
I am currently pursuing my PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) under the joint supervision of Georg Zetzsche and Anne-Kathrin Schmuck. I am a part of Models of Computation and Control Software Systems groups, headed by my advisors.

My research broadly focuses on logic, automata and games, (mostly) with verification and synthesis in mind. My work generally revolves around games on finite graphs, aiming to understand them better and discover efficient ways to tackle them. Fairness constraints on such games are of special interest to me and I’m keen on identifying inexpensive fairness constraints for specific game/graph categories.

I obtained my Bachelor’s degree from the Computer Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University (METU) and my Master’s degree from the Mathematics Department of the same institution. During my Master’s studies I was advised by Burak Kaya. You can access my Master’s thesis here. Concurrently with my Master’s studies, I had the opportunity to work with Ebru Aydın Göl from METU Computer Engineering. Our joint research was a part of the work conducted by the Cyber-Physical Systems Research Group.